Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Finally! The first shoot of green from the tomato seedlings. It is way too early for them to do well, but it is encouraging to see. Also the first signs of spring in the landscaping. Crocuses are showing the first bit of color, daffodils leaves are up, and shrubs have the first signs of bud break. Spring! (ok, maybe not).

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Its almost spring

The weekend finally felt like spring, even though I know it will be another couple months before much of the garden can really be started. This weekend, the first peas were seeded in the garden. And the light shelf in the garage was set up.

Planting details:
Sugar snap peas: Cascadia, from Territorial Seeds
Planted February 8

The spring weather is infectious though, I had to try a tomato... the description of Oregon Spring reads:
This now-famous determinate, slicing variety was developed at Oregon State University. Their research shows that Oregon Spring will produce incredibly early yields of 4 inch oval tomatoes when planted outside a month before your last frost date and given no protection except on frosty nights.
According to Ed Hume Seed's site, the average last fast date for the Portland area is April 3, the 'safe' date is April 26. At 6 to 8 weeks for seeds to get established under lights, maybe it can work? Seeds are cheap, it is worth a try.

And Stupice's description reads:
This cold-tolerant tomato ripens sweet, red, slightly oval, 2 inch fruit that make an excellent choice for first-of-the-summer salads, lunch boxes, and juicing. Stupice consistently gets high marks for taste throughout the summer.
(Both descriptions are from Territorial)

Both were seeded indoors today. Fingers are crossed. I don't expect anything from this planting, but lets give it a try.

Up next, digging up more sod to create space for the new garden.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Garden Planning

First I need a garden space. Today, I have two beds, approximately 4x8 feet, with grass growing right to the edge of them. Potential space is approximately 10x30. The balance is all sod that will need to be dig out.

To give a bit of inspiration (and thanks to a gift certificate from Christmas), seeds arrived from Territorial. In the plans for the year:

Sun Gold (grown the last two years, love them!)
Stupice (an early variety, I hope, and my first attempt)
Momotaro (later variety, but claims to be early for a main season)

Gypsy Peppers
Summer Squash
Winter Squash (Delicata, another personal first)
and a few more from last year's seeds.

First though, its time to claim the space.